Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New features in CWL version 1.0

There are few changes in defining an input or output in CWL command line tool.

  • No need to use "-id"  no more. Instead of an input/output can be defined as follow,

  • Type can be defined without the tag "type" as follow,


  • An array can be defined as "<CWLTYPE>[]", for example an Integer array can be defined as follow,


  • Now the type "["null",int]" which means the parameter type can be either a null or an int, can be defined as follow, 
cwl-utilities module is upgraded for these specifications. Main difference is the output of the YAML parser  is changed. Previously inputs or outputs were mapped to an ArrayList but now it's a LinkedHashMap.


  1. To be more specific, all of the following forms are correct:

    The following is formatted as one-liners because Blogger doesn't support formatting for comments.

    inputs: [ id: input_1, type: array, items: string]

    inputs: [ input_1: string[] ]

    inputs: [ input_1: [ type: string[] ] ]

    inputs: [ [ id: input_1, type: string[] ] ]

    See also http://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#Introduction_to_v1.0

    1. A nicer formatted version of this is at https://gitter.im/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language?at=57a2cfd6836d2d02116281ea
